
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Medieval Party.

As you all know the Medieval Party is coming up.You are all so excited .So I decided to tell you a little about it.Maybe even a sneak peak.But i wont make any promises.So you should look forward to it. So, here's what I'm going to tell you about the Medieval Party. 

 Well, there's going to be a palace on the ski mountain, there's going to be a member quest this year because everybody wanted it. There should be a dragon that breaths fire, I think. There's going to be a HUGE feast in the Pizza Parlor. As you all say, there's this box with money pouring out of it in the underground pool, and I'm not really sure what's going to be going on down there. But you can read the Club Penguin Times (the newspaper) to find out more. Here's my sneak peak. 

 Looks cool doesn't it? I told you there was a fire-breathing Dragon. I hope you liked this sneak peak. Also, one more thing about the Medieval party they are going to be changing the catalog in the Gift Shop, tomorrow. I think, so no promises. Sometimes Club Penguin is a little bit late with the catalogs.. let's just say it's not their top priority with all of the Medieval jazz that they have to whip up for tomorrow! Anyways I hope you liked this sneak peek of the Medieval Party, and I'll talk to you in my next post.. until then!!! WADDLE ON!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010


 Anisha is my friend in real life AND on Club Penguin. She is a really good friend, we like to be superheros on Club Penguin. We have disguises so that nobody can know who we are. They won't know we're superheros either. Tomorrow I'm going on a play date with her. We're going to go shopping to get plush toys and Club Penguin books. GUESS WHAT!?!? My friend Azpin. Hacked my account on Club Penguin for the a billionth time! This time she bought me the ugly boy hair. I was really choked. Sorry for changing the subject there, it just made me really mad and I thought I should talk to you guys about it. I shouldn't fight fire with fire either. I'm going to show you a picture of my friend Icygirl (Anisha's penguin) and her igloo. Also, me in my igloo. Then you can vote whose you think is better. I'll put a poll on the side. 

 This is Anisha's igloo. If you click on the picture you can see her secret message. 

 This is my igloo. I just bought this one. It's the newest igloo. The bamboo one. As I said in my other post, it used to be an ancient igloo.. but now it's the newest one. I think they added the window. Because I don't think there's very many other igloos that have windows. I did the green theme as you can see. I have one puffle, and his name is Artist. Because he really likes to paint. He's yellow, and I got that portrait of him over there on the wall. I have a secret message for you guys also. 

 Anyways, I'll post the poll/contest on the side. I just have to get Teagan to help me and show me how. Have fun entering.. And vote as much as you like. Remember, we're voting for whose igloo you like best! None of us will get sad.. don't worry! :D 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What I like about Club Penguin.

 My favorite thing about Club Penguin is that I like to change outfits, because it's really cool to be different things. Like a lobster and a SQUID.. ZZZZZZ! :D SQUIDZOID! I also like to buy stuff, because when you buy stuff.. that means that you get new stuff. I like to play Cart Surfing. But sometimes it's really hard. I'm also not that good at doing backflips. Which is a bad thing because backflips get you 100 points! Another thing related to Club Penguin that I like is getting plush toys and hat is because it's cool to have them in your room, and unlock the stuff. All of the plush toys that I have are... 

 -The Rad Scientist

My favorite plush toy of mine is The Rad Scientist because that is the first on that I got. Sometimes I play around with them, and they're so SQUISHY to sleep with. They wear cool outfits and you can get those cool outfits if you unlock it. Also the books are fun to read. I have... 

 -Igloo Sticker Book
 -Big Book of Fun Activities Book
 -Star Reporter
 -Club Penguin Comics

I get my Club Penguin books through Scholastic Orders at school. Here are some pictures of Plush Toys (I have this one) and some books. I have the Igloo Makeover one. 

 I hope you order these books and plush toys. Once you get them you'll be surprised how cool they truly are. :) 

My Club Penguin accounts.

 I love Club Penguin. Well, I really love Club Penguin. I changed my igloo to the new bamboo igloo today. I have two Club Penguin accounts. One is a member and one is not a member. It's really fun to walk around and spend coins on Club Penguin. I love to buy stuff, but I can never make enough coins.. I hate that because then I can't buy anything. I want the Club Penguin money maker. But you have to download it. DOESN'T THAT SUCK!??! Here is a picture of Club Penguin. 

 I hope you clicked on it because I wrote a secret message. My sister does this too. This is my new igloo. It's the newest one, it used to be old. But now it is new. I also have green furniture and the theme is green. If you didn't notice. Don't you love my cute yellow puffle? He can do lots of cute things. Doesn't this iggy just ROCK!?!? 

 I'm going to talk about both of my CP accounts now..

This penguin is not a member. So that means he can't buy anything. But he has a cool outfit. Cloud shoes and wrist bands. I unlocked those because I bought a plush toy. You know those plush toys, they're great! :) Even if you're not a member you can get stuff.. and items. I love Bamboo. I named him this because I have a teddy bear named bamboo who is a monkey. So he's actually a Teddy Monkey. 

This was my first penguin. She is a member. I named it sky7045 because I wanted it to be a blue penguin, just like the sky. The 7045 just showed up. The only reason I love this penguin is because she is a member. And I can buy stuff when I'm playing on her. 

 Good-Bye Edmond, and Viewers. I've come to the conclusion that I love Club Penguin and I think that you should too. :D BYE!